Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Thoughts On Home Security

When my house was burglarized three months ago, I didn't have any kind of home security Austin system in place at all. This meant that there was no video footage of the culprits or of their car, which meant that there was no way to track them down at all. 

If you don't get any video footage, essentially the only way that they'll be caught is if they try to sell something that still has the serial number on it – and even in this case, most career burglars are savvy enough to file off the serial numbers – and how many people remember the serial numbers for their appliances in any case? 

I learned my lesson and quickly got a home security system installed. 

Now I feel safe and secure in my bed, because I know that if anyone burglarizes my home again, their faces, and more importantly, their license plate numbers will be plastered all over the internet for all the police in the world to see. It's really something that nobody should live without, as the sense of peace and the security feelings simply something that everyone needs in their life. I know I do.

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